Wednesday 30 June 2010

The Mise-en-Scene (Eternal Flame)

Costume: - We were all going to dress up in fancy clothes, something stylish, feminine and sexy. Music videos tend to show off the artists outfits and these tend to switch throughout to keep the audience engaged and inspired. We will bring two different outfits each.
Make-Up: - Our make-up will be done more 'made up' than usual to make us look flawless and glamorous.
Lighting: - Pure lighting, bright white.
Colour: - We will be keeping things very bright and colourful, because of our bright lighting we can work the colours well.
Setting: - We will be doing all of our filming in the green room and from there we will edit the background into things like flames and cloudy skys.
Props: - We might have some candles if we are allowed these in the green room but this is just something to try. We are planning to use a fan but this will not visible be in the shot, it'll be used to blow wind at us making the scene seem more floaty and dreamy.

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