Friday, 25 June 2010

Eternal flame pitch

1st Idea: -

- Over the shoulder shot of the singer looking into their past fighting with a lover, this would be shown using projection done in a flashback form. Pan shot around fight scene, perhaps freezing at a dramatic point whilst the singer carries on eg. a vase being thrown and smashed.
- Hense the word 'rain' repeated in the chorus we had the idea of sitting/standing in the shower allowin the water to rain down upon us whilst we're singing.
- The use of candles everywhere, in past (shown in projection) and present.
- A slight blue tint to the colour, this is a very calming.

2nd Idea: -

We realised not only was our first idea a bit over ambitious for a 1 minute lip synching task but it was more of a positive love ballad.

- A ring of white candles around us whilst we're singing, keeping it simple but effective.
- Maybe include some rain scene (with this weather i doubt any luck)
- Use the blue screen to have a big flame behind us burning whilst a fan is blowing our hair making it seem all floaty and dreamy whilst linking in with the lyrics.

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